Top 3 Uses for Automated Emails in the Kinnovis Manager

Available to everyone using our Kinnovis Manager, you can design and personalise automated emails to meet the tone and purpose of your message.

Whether someone has just booked, is about to move out or has missed a payment, you can send an automatic email to them with the crucial information they need. Here are the top 3 emails that our customers currently utilise this feature for:

#1 Customer's move-in date

Trigger: Move-in date reached

Email content:

  • Any confirmation or booking numbers.
  • Directions to both your facility and their unit’s location.
  • A link to register to the Customer Portal, if they haven’t done so already.

Helpful tip: Include your facility manager in the ‘also send to this email address’ field, so they know who will be arriving that day.

#2 Outstanding invoices

Trigger: X days after their invoice is due

Email content:

  • Invoice details, including how overdue it is.
  • A link to pay the invoice.
  • The consequences if the invoice remains unpaid.

Helpful tip: You may want to include a link to your company’s Storage Agreement at the end of the email, to remind them of the contract they signed.

#3 Price Increases

Trigger: X days before index adjustment

Email content:

  • The date and percentage their rates will increase by.
  • An explanation for the price change.
  • Reinforce why the service you offer is worth the expense.

Helpful tip: You may want to include a link to your company’s Storage Agreement at the end of the email, to remind them of the contract they signed.

How Kinnovis can help

For a detailed run through of our automated emails, schedule a call with our team and we can show you how they can help your business, along with what we’ve been working on recently and what’s coming next.