Case studies
Discover how companies have found the Kinnovis experience and what we’ve enabled them to do as a business.
Our customers love what we do
No matter your approach to self-storage, Kinnovis gives you the tools you need to sell online and grow.
Andreas S.
Store Room Austria
Learning by doing
“The Kinnovis software is easy to work with. I’d be confident that any new team member could pick it up with little training.
Nicholas B.
Yard Self-Storage
Growing with Kinnovis
“We have confidence in Kinnovis to deliver and to continue building more solutions that help businesses like ours.
Erik M.
Very easy to implement
“It was a very simple process and and we were up and running in a day.
Charlotte V M.
No more paperwork
“A facility map that visualises it all in the glimpse of an eye, that’s important for us.
Looking to switch?
Our team can help you along every step of the way. Get in touch to find out how we can make your migration seamless.